Author: TalentHub

Why all the Japanese students are being same looking for job hunting?

Around spring, we find a large number of same looking students everywhere: black hair men and women in black suits. Do you know who they are? They are senior university students who are struggling with job hunting.

Unspoken Appearance Rules









Some people may think those students imitate Men in Black or Matrix, but it is not. It is unclear that who made the rule, but there are some unspoken codes about appearance for job hunting.

1. Choose black
2. Dye one’s hair to black (or close to black)
3. Always wear a tie when you visit the companies even if in a hot day
4. Choose dark color socks             


1. Choose black suits
2. Dye one’s hair to black or dark brown and tie if it’s long
3. Show forehead (it’s OK to have bangs, but better to sweep them to either side)
4. Natural-looking makeup is the best     


It is said that those rules have spread since the 2000s. In the same period, a job fair became widely known, and students got more opportunities to meet other students. Then, not to stand out in a negative way, they’ve started to choose safe outfits and hairstyles. This is said to be the origin of those appearance codes.
Current students probably don’t know the origin. However, to be loved and give a good impression, students follow these rules, even though they feel it’s weird. That’s why massive same looking university students are walking around the city.

Supporting more freedom in job hunting


Those appearance codes have been kept as a rule for a long time. However, it may change in the future. PANTANE, a Japanese shampoo brand, is promoting “more freedom in job hunting hair” to support job-hunting students (Check the video above. English subtitles are available). According to the survey, over 70% of the 1,300 students are unsatisfied with strict codes. Besides, over 70% of the 200 companies agree that students take interview with their own hairstyles and outfits. These mean some students and companies doubt conventional rules and hope it would be easier to show students’ identity with their appearance.

It’s not so easy to change the rules, but someday, you may see job-hunting students with colorful outfits and unique hairstyles walking to take the interviews.

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